Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is redistricting?
Redistricting is the process of redrawing lines of districts from which public officials are elected. Redistricting typically takes place every 10 years after each U.S. CENSUS and affects all jurisdictions that use districts including state legislative and congressional districts, county commissions, city councils and school boards.
Why is redistricting important?
As the City’s population grows, the Council boundaries must be adjusted to account for shifts in population and demographics to ensure that voters in each Council District have an equal voice in electing their representatives. The elected representatives are responsible for public policy and funding decisions that impact the lives of City residents, such as law enforcement, hospitals, public works, children and family services and public social services to name a few.
How will redistricting affect me personally?
Redistricting is important to ensure the City Council reflects the City’s diverse population and geography. The Council Districts can shape a community’s ability to elect the representative of their choice.
How can the public participate in the redistricting process?
The public can participate by providing their input by signing up to speak at Redistricting Commission meetings and the Town Hall community meetings; by calling the Redistricting Hotline as (214) 671-5197 to provide input to the redrawing of the City Council districts; by submitting a comprehensive map plan by email to
Public can participate by providing their input at public hearings and community meetings or contacting the city staff. The public can also submit their own district plans for consideration by the redistricting Commission by clicking here.
What is the Redistricting Commission?
The Dallas City Charter (Chapter IV, Section 5) requires that council districts be redrawn every 10 years immediately after the release of the decennial census data, which serves as the basis for any reconfiguration. The Charter requires the appointment of a 15-member Redistricting Commission with the responsibility of recommending a redistricting plan that is fair, equitable and depicts a balanced representation of all geographical areas of the city. The Redistricting Commission’s total membership must reflect the racial and ethnic makeup of the City’s population.
How are Redistricting Commissioners selected?
Each member of the City Council appoints one member of the redistricting commission. The Mayor shall designate a chair, subject to confirmation by a majority of the City Council. A member of the redistricting commission is ineligible to be a candidate for a place on the City Council in the next succeeding general election of the City and may not be appointed or elected to the City Council or to any other official board or commission of the City for a period of one year after service on the redistricting commission. Persons appointed to the redistricting commission must be registered to vote and meet the qualifications for service on a city commission. A member of the City Council is not eligible for appointment to the redistricting commission.
How long do members of the Redistricting Commission serve?
Members of the Redistricting Commission shall be appointed to serve a term that will end upon completion of the redistricting commission’s work.
Do members of the Commission receive compensation?
Members of the Redistricting Commission serve without compensation.
Will the public have any input in this process?
Yes! Community involvement and participation is critical to the success of the redistricting plan. Visit the Get Involved page to find out more.
How can I submit my own redistricting plan?
Residents are encouraged to submit their own redistricting plans. Visit the Submit Your Map page to learn how to submit your very own redistricting plan.
What is the software used to create the districting maps?
Dallas residents are invited to digitally draw maps using any ESRI compatible software that uses Shapefile format such as Districtr, ArcGIS or Maptitude. Please go to the Submit Your Map page for guidance. The Redistricting Commission will use DistrictSolv for the evaluation and drawing of final maps.
Will Redistricting Commission meetings be held in person or virtual?
The public is encouraged to attend the meeting virtually; however, City Hall is available for those wishing to attend the meeting in person following all current pandemic-related public health protocols. Click here to view the meetings page.
Where can I watch the Redistricting Commission meetings?
All meetings will be made available for playback on our meetings page.